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The senior dog , for reasons other than those that puppies or adult dogs may have, need some essential vitamins to continue to lead a healthy existence, hopefully.

The safety of our four-legged friend is a priority, which is why we must do everything possible to ensure that he is well and does not have to deal with certain deficiencies. Third age is a delicate phase and routine visits must increase to prevent any and more probable health problems.

An overview

We all want our four-legged friend to live as long as possible and without too many ailments or annoyances. In this perspective, nutrition plays a fundamental role. It is no coincidence that there is the saying "we are what we eat".

This is also why senior dogs need certain essential vitamins. The healthier and more balanced our beloved Fido's diet will be , from the very first weeks of life, the more chance he will have of becoming a lively and happy old man.

The goal is to experience many beautiful and tender moments alongside our four-legged friend and to think as little as possible about any inconvenience that could put a strain on the serenity of all the actors involved, the dog in the first place.

The aging phase

Despite all our efforts to ensure an optimal quality of life, aging brings with it, at best, minor health problems that require more attention towards our faithful friend. Our trusted veterinarian - who knows any previous clinical, breed characteristics and can have the complete picture - will be of vital importance in Fido's medical management.

The secret is to satisfy the needs, even food ones , of the furry. So let's see what essential vitamins the elderly dog ​​needs, even if the last word is always up to the nutritionist who will draw up a personalized plan based on the four-legged needs.

More frequent pathologies

Longevity does not come only thanks to the luck and DNA of our four-legged friend. The better his body is treated, the easier it will be for us to enjoy his company for a long time. It is a question of considering both physical and psychological and social needs: it works exactly as it does for us human beings, no more and no less.

No matter how well our dear Fido ages , the aging process cannot be avoided . With it we also and above all witness important changes in the organism, and they must be taken into account.

Metabolism and physical activity decrease, which results in laziness and overweight . The immune system, like that of puppies, which however is not yet fully developed, appears weaker and the risk of pathologies increases. It also increases the risk of dehydration as your fluid intake drops. Attention to the osteo-articular system.

Finally, we must also think about the mental balance of our four-legged friend. Seeing your organism gradually give way is not a pleasant feeling: you feel sad and helpless in the face of the effects of time passing. Let's be close to him as much as possible and let him know that it is our first thought, that we will always be present and that we love him very much.

The importance of vitamins

The diet of the senior dog must necessarily change and also include some essential vitamins to stem the effects of old age . This process, however, must take place under the supervision of your trusted veterinarian. Based on the results, he will make some changes and, if necessary, 'adjust the shot'.

We do not do our own thing and do not rely on DIY . We must consider the general state of health of our four-legged friend and establish the nutrients he needs and in what percentage. The doses also change, based on the reduction of physical exercise.

The coat of our four-legged friend will appear less shiny, more dull and dull. He will also inevitably be more fatigued and less athletic . All this, and any specific pathologies, will lead to a reshaping of the diet, also in terms of vitamins and nutrients.

Diseases such as osteoarthritis , blood circulation problems, high blood pressure or an impaired metabolism are among the reasons why vitamins can be useful, but let's see which ones are right for our faithful friend. They are very useful especially in the preventive phase, which as we know is the best time to avoid the onset of pathologies even of a certain entity.

Vitamins for Fido

The elderly dog ​​needs a series of essential vitamins, to put in order and understand which specifically we must rely on our trusted veterinarian who will draw up a list of nutritional supplements that our four-legged friend needs. Among the fundamentals are:

  • Mineral salts , which contain elements such as calcium (essential to counteract the wear and tear of the skeletal system);
  • Vitamin D, essential for a correct absorption of calcium in the bones and therefore essential for our beloved old man;
  • Algae, which contain a wide range of nutrients useful for maintaining good health in general;
  • Omega 3 fatty acids , indicated for specimens a little advanced in age with metabolism problems and abnormal blood pressure;
  • Vitamin A , on the other hand, is a powerful antioxidant that allows you to safeguard the function of sight, also preventing night blindness.

This represents a canvas that we can follow, but it is important to reiterate one aspect: no one can take the place of the veterinarian. No improvisations, better an 'empty' check-up than underestimating important signs.

Useful tips

Treating the disease is certainly more expensive in terms of money and time than prevention. Furthermore, and it is not a minor detail, we could avoid our faithful friend having to deal with inconveniences of a certain entity.

Before taking any initiative and upsetting Fido's diet, consult your trusted nutritionist. The same is true if we want to introduce an ingredient that has never been ingested before . We await the specialist's clearance and do an allergy test with a very small amount. If we do not notice any suspicious reactions we can proceed according to the indications received, otherwise we look for an alternative by excluding toxic foods for the cat.

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