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Why Dogs Has Diarrhea

Why Dogs Has Diarrhea. Diarrhea in dogs causes loose or liquid stools to be passed. To know what to do when your dog has diarrhea. You need to find out what is causing this type of discomfort. The causes could be: changes in your diet, food intolerance, intoxication, internal parasites, kidney or liver disease, anxiety, stress and at worst cancer. Diarrhea in dogs is a symptom that usually must be accompanied by others. In fact it is not a disease in itself but can be treated once the cause is discovered.

To understand if diarrhea is caused by a disease or is simply linked to a gastrointestinal problem. We can rely on a series of first aid tips. Soon, in this AnimalPedia article we will explain what to do if your dog has diarrhea and when to go to the vet.You may also be interested in: Small kitten with diarrhea: what to do?Summary

  1. Diarrhea in Dogs - What is it
  2. Types of diarrhea in dogs
  3. Diarrhea in Dogs - Main Causes
  4. - when to worry?
  5. Diarrhea in Puppy Dogs - Prevention
  6. How to stop diarrhea in dogs
  7. What to do if your dog has diarrhea - Home remedies

Diarrhea in Dogs - What is it

The very loose stools are the most obvious sign of diarrhea. You will also notice that the dog goes to the toilet much more often, even indoors, because he cannot restrain himself.

Not surprisingly, softer or more liquid stools are accompanied by other symptoms such as vomiting, flatulence, and fever. If your dog's diarrhea is mild, he will behave as usual and his mood will always be the same. Conversely, if the condition is severe you will see it more depressed and you may experience other symptoms, namely the presence of blood in the stool , loss of appetite and weight.

Dysentery in dogs occurs whenever diseases or disorders affecting the animal's gastrointestinal tract occur. When this occurs, there is an alteration of the complex biochemical reactions that deal with the absorption of water or intestinal peristalsis (contractions of the intestine that allow the absorption and movement of food along the intestinal tube). This alteration can occur due to factors internal (eg: kidney disease) or external (eg: parasites) to the body that can cause constipation or dysentery in the dog.

Types of diarrhea in dogs

Before giving you any useful advice on what to do if your dog has diarrhea, it is important to be able to distinguish the various types of diarrhea and learn to recognize the one that has affected your dog. Diarrhea can be classified according to duration into chronic or acute, or according to the cause. In the latter case it is divided into:

  • Osmotic diarrhea
  • Secretory diarrhea
  • Impaired absorption diarrhea
  • Motor diarrhea

Osmotic diarrhea

It occurs as a consequence of a bad absorption of food caused by a virus, intolerance to certain foods such as gluten, benign or malignant tumors, chronic inflammatory diseases of the digestive system and etc. Another reason that leads to the development of osmotic diarrhea is poor digestion due to a change in the diet offered to the dog, the consumption of expired or spoiled food, a digestive block, pancreatic insufficiency or biliary insufficiency. But also, eating too quickly or a lot of food at a time can be the cause of this type of diarrhea in dogs.

Secretory diarrhea

This other type of diarrhea in dogs develops when the animal's body produces more water, gastric juices, and minerals than the amount it can absorb. This can occur as a result of bacteria, pancreatic insufficiency, taking laxative medicines or foods, or diseases affecting the intestinal mucosa. In these cases, dogs give off bloodless and very liquid diarrhea .

Impaired absorption diarrhea

This type of diarrhea in dogs develops when the presence of viral or bacterial diseases cause lesions in the mucous membrane of the small intestine. Under these circumstances, affected dogs emit what are called "bleeding diarrhea" or diarrhea with blood , pus, or some kind of mucus covering the stool.

Motor diarrhea

It is caused both by excessive intestinal mobility , when the digestive system works too quickly and absorbs less water, and by poor intestinal mobility , when the decrease in movement causes irritation of the mucous membrane. This type of diarrhea in dogs is usually the result of ailments such as stress or anxiety, imbalance of thyroid hormones, or following a stomach operation.

Mixed diarrhea

Surely the diarrhea that affects dogs can be the consequence of various factors , giving rise to a secretory diarrhea caused by osmosis or the union of the 4 various types of diarrhea. For this reason, when faced with the slightest symptom, we recommend that you contact your veterinarian.

In this AnimalPedia article you can find the different types of dog feces , divided by color and consistency: it will help you understand if your dog is okay simply by observing his poop.

Dogs in Diarrhea - Main Causes

As we have already said, dog dysentery is the consequence of a gastrointestinal problem that can be caused by several factors. The main causes of diarrhea in dogs are:

  • Climatic factors: cold strokes, heat stroke.
  • Ingestion of improper food : garbage, objects, spoiled food, dead animals, etc.
  • Changes in the usual diet : too much chocolate, sugar, cold cuts, ..
  • Food intolerance , allergies and allergic reactions.
  • Toxic substances, poisonous plants , ingestion of chemical agents (including medicines).
  • Causes of an emotional nature , especially in the puppy: anxiety, stress, nervousness.
  • Viral and bacterial infections.
  • Parasitic infestations.
  • Internal diseases: kidney, liver, cancer, internal cancers.

We tend to think that dogs' stomachs are made of steel and that they can eat anything without any problem. This is not entirely true: a dog's stomach is as delicate as ours and a simple change in diet or contact with the cold floor can cause an alteration of the intestinal tract. In fact, if you make changes in your diet, try to do so slowly. For all these reasons we underline the importance of a healthy and correct diet and the weight it has on the health of your four-legged friend.

Ddiarrhea in dogs - when to worry?

The first thing to do when you have a dog with diarrhea is to observe the consistency and color of his stool. If you find there is blood, pus, mucus or even worms, take your dog to the vet immediately. It may be that the bleeding is related to the effort the animal makes, or it could be a serious illness. In this case, the best thing you can do is to collect a sample and take it to a specialist . In the specific case of puppies, diarrhea can also be caused by diseases such as parvovirus or distemper .

If there is no mucus, no pus or worms but blood is present in the stool, to try to find out the causes of diarrhea. Start treating it and go to the vet with all the information you can find. Remember if you have made any changes in his diet or if you have seen your dog eating from the garbage and also consider the possibility that he has been intoxicated or poisoned by some plant or medicine. Regarding the latter case, don't hesitate to read our AnimalPedia article on " Poisoning Symptoms ".

If you don't notice blood in the stool, the next step in answering your question "what to do if your dog has diarrhea" will be to fast for 24 hours for adult dogs and 12 hours for puppies . When we talk about fasting, we mean that you will not have to offer any type of food but you can give him all the amount of water he will need, always fresh and clean. It will be essential to observe the animal during these hours and make sure that it remains well hydrated. If he refuses water, feels apathetic or vomits , take him straight to the vet.

Warning! When he has diarrhea, do not give him dairy products: many dogs are lactose intolerant. And remember to never medicate a dog before taking him to the vet because the same medications can worsen his clinical picture if they are not administered correctly.

Diarrhea in Puppy Dogs - Prevention

Cases of diarrhea among puppies are greater than in adult dogs. This is because their immune systems are weaker and they are more sensitive to changes and infections. Sometimes diarrhea in puppy dogs can be a side effect of vaccination or the pesticide. In these cases, puppies usually recover within 24 hours .

If the diarrhea persists, it could be a consequence of something more serious such as the diseases mentioned above: intestinal parasites such as tapeworms, food intolerances etc. In general, in these cases the puppy presents other symptoms such as vomiting, apathy, weight loss, fever, blood in the stool, worms, etc. As always, we advise you to go to the vet as soon as possible. Especially if the 12 hours of fasting have passed and the stools continue to be liquid or bleeding. Acting calmly can mean the difference between your puppy's life and death.

Many times we can observe that the dog with diarrhea, when it comes to a puppy, is stressed or emotionally altered. The causes can be different, so we must try to identify them and intervene accordingly. Diarrhea in these situations could be a puppy's involuntary way of getting attention and a signal that there is something wrong with the environment in which he lives. For example, a change in habits. The arrival of a new element in the family or even the sudden changes in the owner's mood. In fact, remember that dogs in general - but especially puppies - are very sensitive and influencedfrom what surrounds them. We therefore try to dedicate the right time to our four-legged friend and respond to his psychophysical needs in a balanced way.

How to stop diarrhea in dogs

To stop diarrhea in dogs, you simply need to follow the steps described in this paragraph. Indeed, the comprehensive answer to the question "what to do if the dog has diarrhea?" lies in putting into practice the following indications:

  • Light Diet : Many people ask themselves "what can a dog that has diarrhea eat?". The ideal would be to opt for light and easy to digest foods. There are people who prefer to buy canned meat for dogs and others prefer to prepare it at home. A diet for dogs with diarrhea consists of white rice and boiled chicken (always cut into small pieces and without salt). Also ask your veterinarian for advice, who will surely be able to help you.
  • Measure the amount of food: Divide meals into smaller, more frequent rations. It is best to start with small doses to facilitate digestion. You will need to give the dog the same amount of food as ever, divided into smaller portions.

Why Dogs Has Diarrhea

  • Introduce the diet little by little: A little at a time you will be able to introduce the usual foods back into the dog's diet, such as kibble, taking into consideration the fact that there are real improvements in the dog's health. Never combine his food with home cooking. We can vary the diet by offering him a little more treats every day until he has made up for his daily meals.
  • Feces of light color and in smaller quantities : Don't worry if at first you notice that his stool is not like it always is. It will surely be due to the light diet he is following.
  • Use probiotics : These are bacteria that contribute to good digestion and promote healing. Attention, they must be specific probiotics for dogs or in any case of good quality. For more information, we recommend that you read our article on " Probiotics for dogs ".
  • If after 24 hours your dog's dysentery does not improve, go to the vet immediately because, as always in these cases. A precise and timely diagnosis can avoid much worse problems. If you can, remember to bring a sample of your dog's stool with you.

What to do if your dog has diarrhea - Home remedies

In the previous paragraphs we have already mentioned some measures that we can use at home to treat diarrhea in dogs. Nonetheless, below we go into detail:

Probiotics for dogs with diarrhea

Probiotics help restore damaged intestinal flora and correct intestinal transit. Nowadays we can find natural probiotics for dogs on the market,. But know that these strains of bacteria are also naturally present in some foods. The most suitable for diarrhea in dogs is yogurt, which must be natural and sugar-free.

Water and sugar

This remedy is really effective if we can't go to the vet immediately. Because it allows us to fight the dehydration caused by diarrhea and vomiting. Another very good option is to offer isotonic drinks to animals. However, as soon as possible, it is necessary to go to a specialist to administer the serum.

Easy to digest foods

Once the fast is over, we can start introducing foods that will help the dog recover. For this purpose, it is advisable to propose an astringent diet , with foods that are easy to digest but which. In turn, help harden the stool, such as the following:

  • Chicken
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • White rice
  • Boiled potato
  • Pumpkin
  • Apple

Rice water

Finally, thanks to its digestive and astringent properties . Rice water is an excellent remedy for regulating intestinal transit and fighting diarrhea in dogs. This type of cereal contributes to the hardening of the stool.

This article is purely informative. At ScoobyDog we do not have the right to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any type of diagnosis. We encourage you to take your pet to the vet in case he has any kind of discomfort or discomfort.

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