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Why Dogs Eat Grass And What To Do?

How many times have you wondered why dogs eat grass ? This is a question that dog owners often don't know how to answer, so we need to clarify and understand how to intervene in these cases. So let's find out what to do when the dog eats grass .

Why the dog eats grass

The fact that the dog eats grass in itself is not worrying, and in most cases it is an instinctive fact. Due to the animal's curiosity to know the surrounding environment by exploiting taste and smell.

In fact, during the daily walk the furry does not disdain to eat the green grass of the lawn. And who has a dog surely noticed that it is a habit that is repeated at every walk.

This is a fact that should not arouse any wonder, as even the wolf. When it devoured its herbivorous prey, also fed on entrails full of plant material.

However, at the same time, grass is an unusual food for the dog, but generally it shouldn't cause any problems. In fact, if the dog eats grass and does not throw up everything ends there and there are no consequences.

The dogs eat grass driven by curiosity and then for them is something absolutely natural. Among them there are those who eat grass sporadically and those who instead make it a habit. And therefore at every walk in the lawn they do not miss an opportunity to ingest it.

As mentioned before, if there are no adverse symptoms there are no consequences for the animal. So if the dog eats grass and does not vomit everything ends there and there are no consequences.

But what to do when your dog eats grass and vomits? In this case the situation changes and measures must be taken immediately.

Why the dog eats grass and vomits

What to do when the dog eats grass and vomits white foam ? To understand how to intervene, it is first necessary to distinguish two cases in which the dog eats grass and vomits:

  • The animal is killed, does not play and refuses food
  • The animal has no other symptoms, plays smoothly and is lively even after vomiting

In case the dog is down after eating grass and vomiting and the symptom has been going on for several days the only thing to do is take him to the vet. It is essential to undergo a thorough examination to check it,. Also performing basic blood tests, abdominal ultrasound, and, if necessary, also an X-ray.

On the other hand, in the second case in which the dog has eaten the grass and vomited, but is fine and has no other symptoms, to ascertain his condition you have to wait to see if there are further developments. You should also pay attention to his mood after the unusual meal. And check his stools to see if they are liquid or there are undigested food residues.

If the animal hops quietly and eats again regularly in the evening without further interventions there is no need to worry. But it is advisable to let him take less water, so be careful to put little in the bowl and refill it more often.

What are the causes that can stimulate vomiting

When a dog eats grass and vomits it does not mean that it is the grass that hurts him, but there may be causes behind it. Among these the most common are the following:

  • Incorrect feeding
  • Chronic gastritis
  • Food intolerance
  • Ingestion of gastric foreign bodies, which can be stones, stones or other
  • Liver and pancreatic problems

It is clear that some of these pathologies are quite serious if the symptoms of vomiting often recur over time. So the first thing to do is to contact a trusted veterinarian.

In fact, vomiting can reveal a previous illness of the dog and sometimes the animal chooses to eat grass for a digestive problem, which is usually transient. It can happen when your stomach feels heavy, digestion is blocked, or when there is food residue in the throat. When dogs eat grass, they do so to push the body to react.

If fragments of grass are found in the dog's vomit, inside the gastric juice, this means that the animal feels a disorder that can be indigestion and tries to solve it by inducing vomiting. Generally the animal adopts this behavior after a fairly prolonged period of fasting.

Check the variety of grass

Regardless of what caused the dog to vomit, it is essential to check the type of grass ingested well. However, it is difficult to determine the variety of grass ingested by the dog, as there are several species of grass in the lawn.

The furry's favorite is common grass, which he easily tears from the ground with his jaws. But to find out what type of grass he has eaten it is useful to take samples of the affected area and carry out checks to ascertain whether it is treated with pesticides or fertilizers .


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