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Where dog microchip implanted

Where dog microchip implanted? The implantation of the microchip for the dog is essential for the safety of the animal. Moreover, the insertion of the microchip (also called transponder ) in the dog is required by law * for the owner and must be done within two months of the animal's age; for the delay in the fulfillment, very high fines are foreseen, the amount of which varies according to the regional provisions (regional laws derive from the national law which does not change the spirit, but may differ slightly in some points).

Where dog microchip implanted

If you buy the dog from another owner, it will be the responsibility of the seller to provide the microchip number (also reported on the dog's booklet). If the dog you buy does not yet have a microchip, this is certainly an indication of the seller's lack of seriousness and you should be wary of those who have not fulfilled this important requirement.

It should be noted that the law prohibits the sale, transfer or gift of a dog without a microchip . In fact, the microchip is used to register your dog in the regional canine registry and for this reason the registration must be made at a veterinarian in the region where the owner resides.

The regional canine registry is a digital database that the veterinarian accesses from his computer; it contains all the main data of the owner (including the address and optionally also the mobile number, very useful in case the dog is lost ) and of the dog, as well as important optional vaccinations (such as that against rabies that in Italy is no longer mandatory since 2013, but becomes mandatory in some circumstances, for example in the case of travel abroad).

So let's see what are the main characteristics of the microchip for the dog. By law, the owner registered in the registry office must be of age, with a clean record (this only if the dog breed is present in the so-called List of dangerous breeds ), and reside in the same region in which the veterinarian who carries out the implant operates. .

What is the microchip for dogs and how is it applied

The microchip for the dog is a tiny digital circuit measuring a few millimeters (11 × 2 mm) capable of providing, if read by a particular device, the number of the 15-digit code that uniquely identifies the dog in the regional canine registry .

The microchip is inserted in a biocompatible glass capsule and does not emit electromagnetic radiation, as it is only a passive device. To read it, it is necessary to approach the dog's skin with a reader that all veterinarians and ASLs have.

The microchip is applied with a particular sterile disposable syringe as if you were making an injection and is installed under the skin, generally on the left neck of the dog. The operation takes a few seconds and is no more painful than a simple vaccination .

Faced with the discomfort of a few moments, the dog with the microchip will be better protected in the event that it gets lost or is stolen. It is also a deterrent against abandonment because it is always possible to trace the registered owner (remember that it is a crime to abandon your dog!).

The microchip for the dog and old tattoos And Where dog microchip implanted?

The microchip for the dog replaces, in fact, much more efficiently, the old tattoo that was once placed on the inner ear. Since this practice was still implemented until a few years ago, there may still be some dogs with an internal tattoo on the ear. In this case, if the tattoo is legible, the dog should not be microchipped. If, on the other hand, the tattoo is illegible, the microchip for the dog is mandatory.

From what has been said, it is clear that one cannot derogate from fulfilling this important appointment in the life of one's dog and the fear of many owners about the danger of the device is completely unfounded.

Even more reprehensible is the justification of many owners not to apply the microchip for lack of time or for economic reasons, as the choice to bring a dog home should be aware of these fundamental obligations.


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