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If an older dog is cold, you need to pay attention and be aware of his needs to solve the problem quickly

When an older dog is cold the problem should not be underestimated. Also because it is not a simple whim, but a real discomfort that deserves adequate answers. Especially when our four-legged friend is no longer a 'kid'.

This is an aspect that must be taken into due consideration especially during the winter season, when the cold temperatures risk putting those little dogs that cannot count on iron health in difficulty. Acting promptly can be crucial.

Fido and the arrival of winter

Understanding if an elderly dog ​​is cold is part of all the attentions to be taken into account to have a clear picture of Fido's general state of health. Especially in the coming weeks, with autumn coming to life and preparing to lead the way to winter, the lowering of temperatures could be an aspect that should not be underestimated.

Adopting functional countermeasures and playing in advance may prove necessary especially if you live in areas where the climate is particularly rigid or otherwise exposed to sudden drops in the thermometer, perhaps even below zero.

Find out if the dog is cold

Just as there are people who suffer more from the cold and others who, on the other hand, are able to endure cold temperatures without particular difficulties, also for Bau it works more or less the same way.

In the case of older dogs, of course, this is a situation further accentuated by the weight of age . An aspect that has a decisive influence is that of the breed: in fact, there are also some breeds of dogs that have a particular difficulty in enduring the cold and the risk of getting sick for the animal is always around the corner.

This is why it is essential to understand if our four-legged friend suffers from the coldest temperatures or not. One of the most common signs is hesitation in leaving the house or an insistent search for the owner. The latter is an attitude that often, understandably, is accompanied by the desire to stay in the hottest areas of the house or in any case those that have a radiator inside them or, especially in the case of country buildings, a fireplace.

Another input to be grasped in the case of older dogs is the skin condition . If it is particularly dry, Fido is most likely struggling to stand the cold. Muscle stiffness and tremor are also signs to be picked up and monitored with particular attention.

These potential symptoms can also be accompanied by wheezing and a fatigued gait. Grasping these nuances can help to have a clear picture of the conditions of our four-legged friend.

Preventing the cold is possible

When an older dog is cold, the guard must always be kept up . But is it possible to prevent such situations? The answer is yes, just take some precautions maybe just before the arrival of winter so as not to be caught unprepared.

One of these precautions concerns Bau's grooming . One solution, in fact, may be to avoid cutting the coat, often decisive in contrasting the cold that characterizes the coldest days of the winter season. In this case, the hair can be cleaned using a brush , called to intercept any dandruff to be eliminated. Better to resort to quick baths with hot water.

Already in autumn we can begin to accustom our dog even to shorter walks than the summer ones, characterized by warm temperatures and the mutual desire to be outdoors.

Especially in winter, we could 'dress' Fido with a wool or cotton garment or with a small raincoat, in order to maintain an acceptable body temperature and further protect him from atmospheric factors such as wind and rain.

Another key passage concerns the position of the kennel . Especially if in summer this was placed in an outdoor area, also to allow our four-legged friend to suffer as little as possible the scorching temperatures of the summer, now it may be the right time to move the 'sleeping area' into a place in the house where the warmth does not find it difficult to make its way and give relief to our furry friend.

If the kennel is too bulky to move into a domestic environment, the advice is to invite our elderly dog ​​to spend the winter with us inside the house.

Older dogs and cold, diseases

As is often said, the dog is man's best friend. And it often follows in its tracks. This also applies to cold-related illnesses. Older dogs, just like humans, carry cold marks on their bodies and can develop certain conditions. One of these is arthritis which, as we know, develops with disorders of a muscular or joint nature.

Cough is also one of those ailments that can put an older dog in serious trouble , especially if he is struggling with respiratory problems. Vomiting and fever complicate the picture of the ailments with which it is appropriate that our four-legged friend does not come into contact.

The best way to protect Bau from these pathologies is to focus on prevention , trying to create the conditions to make the overcoming of the winter season comfortable for our little dog. An advantage for him, but also for those who are next to him and look after him lovingly.

In case of persistent health difficulties, the advice is always to contact your trusted veterinarian who knows any previous clinical and breed characteristics.

Winter in the kennel, how to warm it

Before we talked about the possibility of welcoming the elderly dog ​​who is cold in the house. But this hypothesis is not always viable, either for reasons of space or for other reasons. At that point, if the reference place is the kennel, you have to find a way to make it a welcoming place where Fido can hide away and not suffer from the cold.

The solution is to heat it up. There are several ways to succeed in this delicate task. The more traditional leads us to resort to the most classic of woolen blankets . It is placed inside the bed and made available to the dog. But there are other possible ways to go.

One of these is that which leads to the use of an electric blanket . In this case, we will warm it up with the help of electricity before putting it back inside the kennel. Otherwise there is also the possibility of filling a bottle with very hot water and placing it under the blanket that we are going to place inside the bed of our furry friend.

The breeds that withstand the cold best

The answer to the cold is an attitude . It is true for humans and it is also true for dogs, whether young or old. However, it is undeniable that, in the case of our four-legged friends, there are breeds that are more predisposed to better tolerate low temperatures, even the most rigid.

In fact, some dogs have a physical conformation, a coat and an under skin that allow them to stay warm even in extreme conditions.

But what are these breeds? They are the ones that we can historically find in mountain areas and for this reason able to adapt better to cold temperatures. Among the various breeds stand out the St. Bernard, the Abruzzo Maremma Shepherd, the Chow chow and the Bernese Mountain Dog, all particularly accustomed to harsh climates.

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