9 tips to teach your dog cleanliness
Here is a list of 9 tips to teach your dog cleanliness
Tips 1:
All dogs have very limited control of their bladder. If you have a puppy under 3 months then he will need to urinate about every 30 minutes.
Tip 2:
Even adult dogs can learn purity. If you encounter problems with an adult dog, then you should start applying the same basic techniques as those dedicated to small puppies.

Tip 3:
Dogs like to sleep in a clean place. Remember that a puppy will never go to sleep Dirty. It is for this reason that you need to place the cone from the beginning in a cage.
Tip 4:
The routine will help your dog learn faster. By feeding the dog on a set schedule, you will help him to meet his needs on a regular schedule.
Tip 5:
Punishing your dog after an accident serves absolutely nothing. Dogs will not understand why you are reprimanding them, even if the incident happened 2 minutes before.
Tip 6:
The secret of a successful lesson lies in time. Your task is to take the dog for a walk in the right place and time.
Tip 7:
Feed and walk the dog at certain times. Disciplined women otherwise the training will be chaotic.
Tip 8:
Always stay calm after an accident (defecation). Do not swear, because you will get the opposite of the result you want. Be persistent and calm.

Tip 9:
Be aware of certain circumstances. Moving from home, a change of diet, the arrival of a new member in the family … all of these can make a difficult process.
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