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Summer tips for your dog

Summer tips for your dog

Summer tips for your dog. Hot weather and sun exposure can cause a lot of unpleasant damage, and this poses special risks to your dog as well. Make sure our tips become the routine of the day during this summer period.

Here are some Summer tips for your dog |

Risks from high temperatures

If your dog stays out in the yard on a hot day, make sure he has a shady spot to rest on his boxing glove.
Never leave your dog in a locked vehicle on a hot day. The temperature inside a car can rise to over 100 degrees in a matter of minutes.
Always provide plenty of cool, freshwater.
Avoid exercises during the days when the days are extremely hot. Take it and walk with it early in the morning or evening, when the heat of the sun is less intense.
Try to avoid prolonged exposure to hot asphalt or sand, as it can burn your dog's paws.
Dogs that are ‘brachycephalic’, such as Bulldogs, boxers, Pekingese, etc., have difficulty in high temperatures with the respiratory organs compared to long-haired dogs. We advise owners to keep dogs in a cool place or indoors with air conditioning.

General health

Be sure to get vaccinated, especially for dogs that tend to stay outside for long periods of time and are in contact with other animals during the summer months.
Keep dogs that have been treated by a veterinarian or are pregnant away from high temperatures.
Fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes carry various and dangerous diseases, in addition, they are more prevalent in the warmer months. Ask your veterinarian about preventing the presence of these parasites.

Beach tips

Summer tips for your dog

Make sure your dog has a shady spot to rest in and have plenty of freshwater.
Dogs, especially those with short hair, can burn from the sun. Limit your dog's exposure during the day and apply preparations to his ears and nose 30 minutes before going to the beach.
Check with a beach attendant the conditions of daily water. Dogs are easy targets for lice and sea jellyfish.
Running in the sand is hard work. A dog while running through the sand can easily pull the ligament, so keep your dog's activity under control.
Do not allow to drink seawater, the salt will cause trouble.
Salt and other seawater minerals can damage your dog’s cover, so rinse it off at the end of the day.

Heat stroke

Summer tips for your dog
tips for dogs

Heatstroke can be serious and often fatal due to prolonged exposure of the dog to excess heat.

Below we mention the actions to be taken when your dog is hit by high temperatures:

Early stages:
• Body pain;
• Fast breathing;
• Bright red skin and tongue out;
• Efforts to maintain balance.

Advanced stages:
• White or blue skin;
• Lethargy, unwillingness to move;
• Uncontrolled urination or defecation;
• Noisy breathing;
• Shock condition;

If your dog starts to show signs of heatstroke, you should immediately try to cool him down as follows:
• Apply rubbing dog's paws with alcohol;
• Apply ice packs to the groin area;
• Allow the dog to lick ice or drink a small amount of water;
• Send to a veterinarian for physiological digestion to restore lost electrolytes;

Check your dog's temperature regularly during this process. Once the temperature has not stabilized or you cannot take the necessary measures to combat the signs advanced by the heat, send it urgently to the nearest veterinarian.

Finally, the message of the Veterinary Ambulance "Tribe Faunes": Keep the animal for fun, and we take care of your pet's health!



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