How to train a dog?
How to train a dog
"The dog doesn't come to me when I call him." "My dog barks so much that the neighbors complain." "The dog is always thrown at me and my visitors." In all these cases, dog owners ask angrily, "What can I do?"
Perhaps the answer to that question is How to train a dog? to give your dog a basic workout to obey, so learn how to respond to simple commands. Of course, it's best to start when it's a puppy. But even adult dogs can learn. Markos, a dog training professional in Mexico, says: “The dogs we get to train are at least four months old and five years old at most. But I have had cases where I have taught ten-year-old dogs to obey certain basic commands. "

Dogs are smart. People have trained them to detect by sniffing, drugs and explosives, to help handicaps, and to take part in rescue missions of people at risk. But how do you train a dog to obey you?
Genetic composition
You must first know your dog's genetic makeup. Like wolves, dogs are very sensitive to hierarchy. They are instinctively inclined to live in flocks under the guidance of a leader or leader. Your family is for the dog his flock, so he needs to understand that you are the leader.

In a herd of wolves, the leader chooses the warmest and most elevated place to sleep. Also, eat in front of others. Therefore, if you let the dog sleep in your bed or stand on the furniture of the house, he may think he is the leader. The same thing can happen if you are given snacks from the table during the meal.
Even when he is a puppy, the dog can learn that he is inferior to you. How? Look him straight in the eye until he takes his eyes off you. Also, a good exercise is to rub the dog on the abdomen while lying on its back, because that way it is in a position that shows submission. If the dog is bothering you, and does not stop even when you say, "No!", Try to ignore him or leave the room.
When the dog responds to your orders, it is acknowledging that you are the one in command. If, as dog owners, you do not define your position as the head, the dog may think he is equal or higher than you, and this may affect his behavior.
How to learn simple commands?
To teach your dog basic commands, you need a neck strap, a chain and a lot of patience. A dog training book gives the following advice: (1) give a simple, short command, (2) demonstrate the action you want the dog to take, and (3) praise him immediately after he has done the action. The tone of voice is more important than the words you say. An order must be given in a firm tone, and praise must be given in a cheerful and heartfelt tone.
No physical punishment is required, such as shooting or kicking. Markos, the trainer quoted above, says: "I just say 'no' to it in a sharp tone, lengthening the vowel so that the dog understands that I am unhappy with the way he is acting." He adds: "A dog is smart enough to understand when you're happy and when you're scolding him."

If something more severe is needed, you can grab the dog by the neck and shake it lightly, saying, "No!" Reprimands should be given while not behaving well or immediately thereafter. Remember, a dog may not understand why you are reprimanding him, if the reprimand is made a few minutes or a few hours after he has performed the action. Also, he does not understand why an action is appropriate in one case and not in another. Therefore, do not be contradictory.
The basis for obeying everything is the command: "Sit down!" If your dog understands this command, you can check it when he becomes too energetic. For example, you can tell a dog to sit down when it starts to jump on visitors. To teach the dog to sit down, place the chain around his neck and give the order while leaning on his back, to sit on his hind legs. Meanwhile, gently pull your head up with the chain. Praise him immediately. Repeat these steps until the dog obeys the order.
To teach the dog to sit, stand in front of it, and with your outstretched hand give the order: "Wise!" If the dog is moving, say, "No!" and place in the previous position. Repeat the order and, when he sits for a short time, praise him. Slowly, as you learn to obey the command, increase the time he has to sit and then the distance between you and the dog.
The best way to teach a dog to come to you is to use a long chain and pull it gently by calling it by name, and giving the command, "Come on!" Walk back as the dog moves towards you and continue to praise him. Soon he will answer your call without being chained. If the dog is released from the chain and does not respond to the order: "Come on!", Call and run away. Often the dog will follow you instinctively.
A little warning: never use the word, "Come on!" for a negative reason, such as reprimanding him. The dog must learn to respond to the command, "Come on!" he will gain something good: either he will be praised or he will be given food. If you lose your temper when you try to learn this command, the dog will learn that coming to you is unpleasant and should be avoided.
You can also teach your dog to walk on your side without rushing forward or behind. To do this use a neck strap for exercise and a short chain. Holding the dog to the left, give the command, "Walk!" and walk by taking the step with your left foot. If the dog wants to be pushed forward or left behind, give a quick and firm pull to the chain and repeat the command. Praise him when he hears you.
What can you do to keep your dog from jumping on you? One way is to back off by saying, "Get out!" and then, "Sit down!" Another way is to take the front paws with each hand and walk towards the dog, repeating the command: "Get out!" Praise him when he obeys you.
Tips for training a dog
- Don't be contradictory when you say words or commands.
- Dogs like to be called by name, and that attracts attention. Therefore, call the dog by name when giving orders. (Listen, sit down!) But do not call him by name and then give him a rebuke such as: "No!" The dog needs to learn to respond when called upon to expect good, not bad, things.
- As a way of rewarding, do not spare praise. In many dogs, the appearance of heartburn affects more than food.
- Make the training periods short and enjoyable.
- Do not inadvertently provoke unwanted behavior in the dog, showing him a lot of care when he is not behaving well. This would only make him repeat it again.
How to teach a puppy to meet personal needs outside?
A puppy can be taught to defecate when he is six to eight weeks old. According to the publication Basic knowledge of dog training (English), the main things to successfully teach a dog to perform outside personal needs are: to limit it within a certain area, to train it, to notice when it performs the needs and praise. Usually, dogs do not like to pollute the sleeping area. Therefore, keep the puppy inside a certain area when he is unattended. Notice when you meet your needs and teach them a specific area to do them. Take him (with a chain) to this area as soon as he wakes up, after he has eaten, after he has played, or before he goes to sleep. Praise him as he carries out his personal needs. You can teach them a word that tells them it's time to do personal needs.

When the puppy is released, be careful if he gives any sign that he needs to meet his personal needs. These signs can be when: he suddenly stops playing, comes around and sniffs or runs out of the room. If you find the puppy carrying personal needs inside the house, reprimand him and take him out immediately. * Again, there is no point in correcting him long after the operation. Immediately clean any dirt with vinegar solution to remove the bad smell, otherwise the dog will continue to use that place to perform personal needs.
Urination during an exciting greeting is an involuntary and natural behavior in dogs. This phenomenon, sometimes called submission urination, means that the dog admits that you are the leader or leader. To scold the dog, in this case, would only make the problem worse because it would make him urinate more to show even more that he considers you the leader. This usually does not happen again when the dog reaches the age of two.
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