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How often should I bathe my dog?

We all know that we must wash our dog from time to time to keep it clean and free of parasites, but what we often do not know is how often a dog should be bathed, something that varies depending on its type of hair and characteristics.

From ScoobyDog we will explain which factors you need to consider knowing how often you can or should wash your puppy, whether an adult or a puppy. Remember that every dog is different, so just follow these tips.

When to wash a dog depending on the type of hair it has

Although there are obviously many other factors that will tell us when we should bathe our dog, such as dirt or smell, at general levels we can indicate that depending on the type of hair it has, it will be necessary to bathe it more or less frequently.

Dogs with long, thick hair tend to stain much more than dogs with short, thin hair, simply because the dirt sticks better and it costs more to come off.

The simple dust that they can pick up when they are running while playing in parks and trails, is naturally eliminated much easier in dogs with little hair than in dogs with a lot of hair.

Remember that daily brushing works like a dry bath, in addition to removing dirt, stimulates blood circulation, hair growth, removes dead skin cells from your pet, while distributing fatty acids from the skin , in the hair and makes it look more shiny and protected.

  • Short / sparse-haired dogs: About once every two months
  • Dogs with long and abundant hair: Once a month
  • Medium-sized dogs: Once every month and a half

Other factors that affect bath time in dogs

Regardless of the amount of hair our dog has, we must pay attention to its daily habits. A dog that lives in a town where it is in constant contact with other animals and dirt from the roads, will get dirty much more often than a city dog .

Keep in mind that the glands of the skin secrete immunoglobulins and other substances that neutralize resistant bacteria, preventing the development of pyoderma (infections with pus), so bathing ... just the essential.

We must also assess the behavior of our dog, if it is a bit of a pig and rubs on the ground when it perceives a bad smell (sometimes even on poop) obviously we must bathe it more frequently .

The weather is also a key factor, since in places where it rains a lot our dog will get wet more often, something that will lead to bad body odor sooner or later. In these situations, the dog should also be bathed more frequently.

Even food is a factor that greatly influences the grooming of our dogs, dogs fed with natural products such as BARF Food for dogs , give off much less body odor than dogs fed with commercial kibbles (feed / balanced).

When to bathe a puppy for the first time

The first thing to understand is that a puppy is an extremely sensitive animal , a simple cold can end its life. That is why it is very important not to bathe a puppy until it has all its vaccinations , that is, until it is at least three months old.

The liquids that cover the puppy in its fetal life, together with the mother's saliva (by licking them continuously in the postpartum period) create a protective barrier against opportunistic germs, so we should not be in a hurry to bathe our puppy.

When we bathe it, we must pay attention so that it does not lick the soap , we must also monitor the temperature of the water closely and dry it thoroughly when we finish. Avoiding air currents that may affect you.

Bathing a puppy for the first time is almost like a high-risk operation, where we must be very careful. Once they are three months old, it is advisable to try to bathe them as little as possible until they are at least six months old .

In this way we will reduce risks, although obviously if it is stained a lot ... it is inevitable. Don't miss the complete information at:

When to bathe dogs with skin or health problems

os sick dogs require another calendar bathrooms , as will the veterinarian who we indicate when we can bathe and how often. At general levels, we should use a special shampoo for dogs, since its pH is very different from ours.

In the case of dermatitis, the bath constitutes an ally for the veterinarian, since through it we can supply the skin with moisturizers and pH stabilizers, antiseptics, antiparasitics, among others.

Generally, the period between one bath and another is shortened according to veterinary improvement and the previous evaluation of the injuries in question. Dogs with skin problems such as mites or skin diseases should always use a special soap to treat their disease , the vet will provide it.

Older puppies should have a shorter bath cycle, since like puppies, they are sensitive dogs that can catch a cold very easily. It is advisable to bathe him at home, since this way we can dry him well and without haste.

Pay special attention to your pet's ears when bathing, the water in the ears can cause otitis. If you are going to clean that area, make it as external as possible (the ear), the rest you can leave to your veterinarian.

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