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Homemade dog food recipes

Feeding our dog with homemade dog food recipes can be a good option if we want to select the quality of the products ourselves, ensure their origin or determine their cooking process, for example. However, feeding a puppy dog ​​or an adult dog is not going to be an easy task and it is essential to inform ourselves well to avoid nutritional deficiencies. It will be essential to let us advise the veterinarian, who will propose a diet based on the breed, stage, or needs of the dog.

In this ScoobyDog article, we will offer you a small informative guide so that you know what you should take into account when preparing your homemade menus. Find out below what homemade puppy dog ​​food looks like with 5 recipes.

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Is it advisable to make homemade dog food recipes?

As with commercial feed, homemade recipes have advantages and disadvantages that must be evaluated by the owner before starting their dog on this type of feeding:


  • We can make diets from organic and natural products.
  • Managed to select the foods that are more digestible for our puppy.
  • We have the option of offering a rich and varied diet.
  • We improve the dog's immune system.
  • The puppies will grow more vigorous by offering quality food.
  • It is usually more palatable and accepted than commercial feed.
  • We avoid the use of additives and preservatives.
  • The cost is very low in minis, small and medium breeds.


  • We need to invest time in preparing the recipes.
  • Supplements are needed to ensure proper nutrition for the dog.
  • If it is not supervised by the veterinarian we can create nutritional deficiencies.
  • Its suitability cannot be tested.
  • The cost is very high in large and giant breeds.

We, as owners, must assess based on the pros and cons if it is more appropriate to feed a puppy from homemade diets or if it is more appropriate to bet on prepared foods that are nutritionally complete. It will also depend on our time and capacity, as well as our financial resources.

Homemade dog food recipes

1. Potato with heart

This recipe is usually very accepted by puppies. It is rich in vitamins A, B and C, as well as potassium and minerals. For this we will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 grams of beef or lamb heart
  • 100 grams of white potato
  • 1/2 cup oatmeal
  • 1/2 zucchini
  • 2 carrots
  • A pinch of turmeric and rosemary
  • Sunflower or corn oil

Preparation of the potato dish with heart:

  1. Chop and peel the ingredients into very small cubes, suitable for the size of your dog.
  2. Bring the potatoes, zucchini and carrots to a boil.
  3. Lightly cook the meat on the grill or in the oven, using the vegetable oil. Also add the spices to flavor the heart.
  4. Wait until the potatoes and vegetables are fully cooked.
  5. Mix all the ingredients, including the oatmeal, and mash the potatoes with a fork.
  6. Let cool and prepare to serve.

2. Rice with salmon

The rice dish with salmon is very rich in healthy fats and Omega 6, essential for our dog. It will also provide the necessary hydrates. For this you will need:

  • 30 grams of brown rice
  • 150 grams of salmon (but you can also use sardines)
  • 1 raw cow femur
  • 20 grams of cauliflower
  • 1 pinch of parsley
  • Sunflower oil

Preparation of rice with salmon:

  1. Clean the rice and boil it in plenty of water.
  2. Cut the salmon into small cubes and chop the cauliflower.
  3. Sauté or bake the salmon and vegetables, sprinkling the parsley on top.
  4. Chop the raw bones in a mincer, remember, they should never be cooked as they could splinter when ingested.
  5. Once the rice is fully cooked and the salmon and vegetables lightly cooked, mix the raw cow's femur with the rice and prepare to serve.
  6. Add a splash of vegetable oil, mix and cool.

3. Meat in sauce

This recipe is the only one of our proposals that is totally grain free. It is also usually very accepted and will be quite appealing for our puppy. To make the meat in sauce you will need:

  • 200 grams of meat for stew, preferably veal
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 2 carrots
  • 20 grams of chard
  • 2 raw beef knuckles
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Thyme

Preparation of the meat in sauce:

  1. Chop the carrots and chard, then grate the tomatoes.
  2. In a pan add the chopped vegetables and sauté for a few minutes.
  3. Add the diced meat and wait until it looks cooked

4. Chicken risotto

This menu is very rich in proteins, fats, hydrates, and calcium, and it is very accepted in puppy dogs as it is very tasty. Here's what you need:

  • 150 grams of chicken or turkey meat
  • 30 grams of white rice
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 yogurt
  • 20 grams of asparagus
  • Corn vegetable oil

homemade dog food recipes

Chicken risotto preparation:

  1. Bring the two eggs to a boil in a saucepan and remove when they are fully cooked.
  2. Grate the eggs with a cheese grater.
  3. Crush the eggshells.
  4. Cut the chicken into small cubes.
  5. Bring another saucepan of water to a boil until it boils.
  6. Sauté the asparagus in a skillet and add rice and some boiling water.
  7. Stir the asparagus and rice constantly to avoid sticking.
  8. Add water every time the rice absorbs it.
  9. When it is practically done, add the chicken pieces and the grated egg.
  10. To finish, do not forget to add half the yogurt and the crushed eggshells.

5. Meatloaf the best homemade dog food recipes

This is a very tasty and high protein dish. Depending on the meat chosen, it can be more or less fatty, but remember that puppies need more fat than adult dogs. To make your meatloaf for dogs you will need:

  • 150 grams of beef for stew
  • 30 grams of sweet potatoes
  • 1 tablespoon of brewer's yeast
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • A pinch of thyme
  • 30 grams of kefir

Preparation of the meatloaf dish:

  1. Cut the sweet potato into small cubes and bring to a boil.
  2. Sauté the meat lightly in a skillet with the olive oil and thyme.
  3. When the sweet potatoes are boiled, titrate them with the kefir and brewer's yeast.
  4. Add the meat and mash it too.
  5. Mix all the ingredients into a cake and let it rest.
  6. You can finish cooking it in the oven or let it rest at room temperature and serve.

Puppy feeding according to age

Now that you know these 5 homemade dog food recipes that serve as an example to get started in homemade food for puppy dogs, you will need to know how often you should feed your dog . Do not forget that it is essential to follow the advice of your veterinarian, however, below we offer you a basic guide.

The puppy's feeding, month by month:

  • Before the month of life: the puppy less than one-month-old will be fed only on the mother's milk that will be provided by its mother. If you do not have a mother or have been rejected by her, we can use artificial formula (sold in pharmacies or veterinary clinics) but we can also develop an emergency formula for exceptional cases.
  • 1 month: at this stage, the mother, in the wild, would begin to regurgitate the food (very digested) to offer it to the puppies in a very punctual way. It would be the first contact they would have with solid food. At this time, the baby teeth begin to appear and we can offer a daily meal of soft or crushed food, puree type, to our little puppy.
  • 1 - 2 months: progressively the bitch will begin to stop feeding her puppies, so we must continue to press them between one and two daily feeds, as accepted, always based on very soft foods.
  • 2 - 6 months: at this stage, the puppy has already stopped feeding on breast milk and will begin to eat solid food on its own. It is ideal to offer about three daily feedings. 
  • 6 - 12 months: from six months of age we can start feeding our puppy with two feedings a day, as we will do with adult dogs.

Remember that puppies should be fed the same products that we would use for an adult dog (meat, entrails, and bones) but with the difference that they need to eat more regularly and/or adapted to their age.

Do not forget that your puppy's diet should be very varied and complete and that you can use all kinds of meats, fish, and vegetables that are good for dogs, as well as supplement his diet with natural supplements for puppies. Faced with any health problem, especially vomiting or diarrhea, we must go to the vet immediately.

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