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What to do when the dog growls at the owner

Don't feel guilty if your dog growls at you - find out why and how to fix it! What to do when the dog growls at the owner

When the dog growls

When a dog growls at the owner , it is easy for the owner to immediately feel guilty and start wondering where he went wrong if he has a clear conscience. If you are in this situation and you are asking yourself this question, we will answer you immediately: it is likely that you have done absolutely nothing "wrong", you just need to be able to find a way to communicate with the dog!
The growl of the dog is first of all a form of communication, in particular it is a warning . If you react by scolding the animal, it will likely attack directly the next time it finds itself in the same situation, judging the previous warning ineffective. On the other hand, even showing fear or not reacting togrowling of the dog risks worsening the situation, putting him in a position of domination that he will hardly want to give up.
When the dog growls at the owner, an impulsive defense mechanism is triggered and it is useless, if not counterproductive, to try to eliminate this instinctive behavior. The only thing to do is to understand why the dog has these reactions and, therefore, find the suitable solution.

Why does the dog growl

If this has happened to you, you've surely wondered "why is my dog ​​growling at me?"
The causes of dog growl can be many. The first and most common is that the dog feels somehow threatened by something, just like a cat when it blows . In this case, you will have to try to understand what makes him feel in danger to resolve his discomfort.
However, if the dog always growls it cannot be due to the perception of a threat: no dog feels in danger all the time! In this case, the cause of the problem could be a psychological trauma suffered as a puppy that pushes the animal to a constant state of aggression.

 Another explanation ifyour dog growls all the time is that it is a physical condition, such as rabies. Both cases absolutely require the intervention of a specialist.
If your dog growls , however, it can also be for a seemingly trivial reason, such as your smell! In fact, dogs have a very developed sense of smell and can react aggressively to any type of strong smell, even one that we consider pleasant. In this case, it's easy to spot the problem - just try changing your clothes and taking a shower and then see if your furry friend's attitude changes.

Why does the dog growl when he eats

The growl for the dog is also an affirmation of domination and possession and it is therefore quite common for a dog to react in this way if you approach his bowl, especially while he is eating. He's just clearly expressing ownership of his food. It may seem strange from our trusted friend, but it is a very common attitude in the animal kingdom: it happens that cats do too!

Why does the dog growl when he plays

Just like with food, some dogs become very possessive with their toys and don't allow anyone to touch them, not even their owners! Again, if the dog growls it does so to show its dominance over something.

Why does the dog growl at the cat

Have you brought home a new kitten and your dog is growling at him ? This is a rather frequent situation: the dog defends its territory from the "intruder" and therefore growls . The fact that it is a common circumstance does not mean that you should not keep an eye on it, on the contrary! Be prepared to intervene if your dog shows signs of aggression and do everything possible to make him get along with the cat .

What to do when the dog growls at the owner

Having clarified the main causes that can cause a dog to growl at the owner , it's time to figure out how to make him stop!
First of all, keep children away, so that they do not trigger jealousies between furry and non-furry puppies, and carefully observe the behavior, movements and body of your dog: in short, make sure that he has no injuries or physical problems. Having established that the cause is a feeling of danger perceived by the dog, you must be able to calm him and make him feel pampered. With calm, prudence and slow movements, re-establish a relationship of mutual trust and regain control of the situation.

 Talk to him in a faint voice, call him by name and approach very slowly, perhaps not "from above". If the situation is under control, give him a few strokes and remind him that he has nothing to fear at home.
However, if the dog growls when you sneakthe situation is slightly different. Obviously we assume that it is a beloved and well-kept dog, reprimanded for some prank: an abused dog will growl and be right to do so. If, on the other hand, your dog growls when you scold him, he is probably trying to assume a position of supremacy over you.
What to do at this point? NEVER use violence, but a strong attitude is needed to restore hierarchies. A dry "NO" pronounced with an imperious voice, accompanied by a distraction, perhaps sound, may be the best answer to educate a somewhat reticent dog

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