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What Are The Best Dog Breeds For Children

All dogs are great, but not all dogs are the same so we have some dog breeds . These animals have been selected over time to help us perform different tasks . Thus, physical and behavioral differences were established according to the races.

We must be aware that the selection made to get those dogs that better meet one or other needs (herding, hunting, companionship ...), make the different breeds have different behaviors.

There are many benefits of having a dog for children as we explain in our article on the benefits of having a dog for children .

In theory, any dog ​​can get along well with children, although it is true that we must choose well the dog that we take home and be willing to proceed with their education appropriately .

However, some breeds have characteristics that generally make them more optimal for living with children. It is important that, before bringing a dog to your home, you inform yourself well about the characteristics of the breed and carefully choose the new member of the family.

Abandoning it because it does not meet your expectations should never be an option and you should also bear in mind that the dog may end up being alone at home when you go to work and the children are at school .

If you have children, you will want a loving and active dog, patient with the little ones. You will find many suggestions about which is the best. We are going to analyze various breeds and their main characteristics.

Why are there so many breeds of dogs?

When looking for information to choose a dog, you can be overwhelmed by the number of breeds and possibilities that appear before you. Which one should you choose?

The great diversity of breeds is due to the fact that humans have been designing different dogs for thousands of years for different functions . Unfortunately, in the last 100 years this has become something vertiginous that is leading many dogs to critical situations, by enhancing physical aspects that are not functional and neglecting their health, character and well-being.

Each race has genetic and behavioral differences that we have to know when choosing our partner. Start by looking for information about the different types:

All of them have certain characteristics that influence their behavior. And not all of them are ideal for a child . Naturally, we will also have to think about which characteristics are the best for our family and needs.

Is a dog of a breed considered dangerous good for a house with children?

Dogs of so-called dangerous breeds are excellent dogs, but due to their characteristics they require special conditions . They are very strong dogs that have been designed to attack or collect prey. They are aggressive in attack and defense and have a high resistance to pain.

These dogs have an inhibited attack sequence, they do not warn by growling or threatening when they are going to do so . Also, once they launch the attack, they turn off the cognitive mode and won't obey you . In addition, they are designed not to let go of their prey .

If you are going to choose one of these dogs, you must be a natural leader and keep in mind that they are single-owner dogs. They can be great throughout their lives, but if one day for any cause they attack a member of your family, the consequences will be fatal .

You must be very aware of the dog that you bring to your house and know if you will be able to train and lead it properly.

What should I do when I bring a dog to a house with children

The first step is to proceed with your education from day one . This is always important, since obedience training is essential for a good coexistence. Some adult in the family must have enough time and commitment to spend long hours training the dog .

If you want children to be involved in their education, make sure they remain under the supervision of an adult. It is also important to educate children so that they learn to live with their new friend without disturbing or stressing them .

It is a good idea to buy a book about the chosen breed and soak up the characteristics of your future friend . You must be clear that it is the dog you want and that you can provide what it needs.

If not, choose a different breed. He will be a close friend and you should not forget that a dog will be with you all his life, which can last up to 16-17 years in some breeds .

The best dog breeds for children

If you have children, it is important to look for an intelligent, active and good-tempered dog . That you have energy to play with them and then be able to remain calm at home. Next, we are going to point out some of the breeds considered optimal for living with the little ones.

  • The Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever . Both dogs are considered excellent for children. These are dogs with a lot of energy, they can develop hyperactivity if they don't run enough. They are active and playful. These dogs are very affectionate and not aggressive at all . They are ideal dogs for children . Of course, they need space to play and run. If you are not willing to take your dog out for long walks and runs then it is not your option .
  • The Beagle . A very playful and hyperactive hunting dog . Easy to train and very calm when leading a proper active life. It is not a very big dog and it behaves very well with children . Without proper exercise and proper attention, you can become overprotective and bark a lot.
  • The Poodle . It is a very intelligent dog with a great temperament . This dog was designed to retrieve objects from the water. It can be of three sizes: standadr, miniature or toy, the smallest are ideal to have in a flat or an apartment . He is very playful and lives for about 17 years .
  • The Boxer . He is a playful dog and he likes children . In addition, it has a strong protective instinct, it will not let anyone near your children. They protect their herd and are aggressive in front of strangers if necessary to take care of their own. The American Boxer is a hunting dog that was used as a guide dog and as a messenger in warfare. You are very energetic and need to exercise every day . In addition, it requires strong leadership. If you do not see yourself capable of imposing yourself on him, it is better that you choose a smaller and more manageable dog.
  • The Collie . He is a family dog ​​and also has a guard instinct . Very predictable in nature. You need space to walk. It will protect your children and will not allow strangers to approach without warning. You will have to brush it often to keep its hair healthy and shiny. The Collie is one of the 15 ideal dog breeds for an apartment or a flat .
  • Saint Bernard . This big man is very docile and protective . Easy to train and very quiet. It is ideal for young children and babies .
  • The German Shepherd . It is a great sheepdog, very functional. It adapts to any situation and is a good companion and work animal. Very obedient and easy to train . It also has a great defense instinct, which will protect your children from any danger . Shepherd dogs, in general, are ideal for anyone who is willing to train them and provide them with an active life. Of course, they require leadership skills and must be well trained.
  • Mongrel dogs . A very suitable option is to rescue a dog from an animal shelter. Mixed-breed dogs are on many occasions balanced and intelligent . Choose carefully and learn about her character and ability to obey. These are dogs that have been through difficult situations and can show behavior problems. You will have to spend time training them, but if you choose one of these dogs, you will provide a home and they will be eternally grateful .
  • Maltese Bichon. A cheerful and playful dog  but with a  small size that can end up being an ideal companion.

There are many more breeds and all of them will provide excellent companions for your children. The rule that you must follow to choose properly is simple: find out about the breed that you are going to take home and about the specimen in particular, study its needs and think about whether you will be able to supply them objectively.

Do not take a dog without knowing what awaits you and then abandon it or find another home for it. It is important to choose responsibly. It is about a living being that will integrate into your pack with all the consequences.

We already have the dog at home.

Congratulations, you have chosen a new companion for your children and for the whole family. He will be a faithful friend who will give everything for you. He will take care of you, play happily, and provide you with thousands of incredible moments. Your children are lucky, as dogs provide them with experiences and emotional stability . They will establish a very close bond that they will never forget and will contribute to the construction of their personality. But the journey does not end here. Actually, it has only just begun: Now you will have to learn how to find the best food for your dog , do not forget to find a doghouse suitable for its size and the possibilities of space you have , find out about all the types of vaccines that you have to manage your pet, and all kinds of questions regarding the care of your new friend .

Do not forget that a dog can cause many expenses and on certain occasions many families cannot bear the expenses of certain operations and consultations of their dog at the veterinarian, so we advise you a veterinary insurance to avoid having to sacrifice or leave unattended your dog (remember that it can save you thousands of euros a year)

Before you, years of living together, combined with constant training (of both dogs and children), open up. Education is not a matter of one day. It is a lifelong project that you must take on responsibly. Welcome to your exceptional new life!

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