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7 signs your dog is bored

7 signs my dog is bored

We all try to understand what is going on in our dog's head at all times . Until the Chinese have perfected their useless invention of the "dog-man translator", the only thing to do is to carefully observe the dog to try to better understand his state of mind.

my dog is bored

Here are 7 clues that point out dogs that are bored and need something to do. The dog is not an ornament, and he absolutely needs a stimulating life that is respectful of his nature.

Don't forget that some of these behaviors can also be signs of stress or separation anxiety. A consultation with a dog trainer can help you determine the cause of your dog's behavior.

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1) Destructive behavior

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Eat sofas, shoes, cushions, walls and dig holes in the garden? Your dog could be terribly bored. Too much energy in the body and too little stimulation is a lethal mix for your furniture. Chewing or destroying something is an activity that frees up some energy, and at the same time relaxes. Better give him a Kong from time to time.

2) It chases its tail

my dog is bored

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We talked about it in a dedicated article, which you can find here . This is a typical behavior that can hide other more serious problems, but in some cases it is only boredom that makes him act this way. The dog tries to get rid of the excess accumulated energy.

Spinning (turning on oneself) is quite frequent in kennels / shelters. Poor physical activity combined with the almost total absence of external stimuli and the stress of being locked in a cage, causes obsessive-compulsive disorders like this.

3) He barks in your face

my dog is bored

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An incessant barking at you is a clear way of communicating something to you. Maybe he's just saying “Hey I'm bored! Get off that damn couch! "

4) Apathy

my dog is bored

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It occurs when the dog has lost all hope of getting you off the couch. At first glance, he may seem depressed or even have some health problem. In reality it can be simply boredom, especially if he reacts to your stimulus by playing peacefully.

If, on the other hand, he doesn't want to play and seems more dejected than usual, go to the vet to rule out a health problem.

5) Nibble

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Does the dog follow you around the house trying to bite your pants or whatever else is within reach? He most likely gets bored and finds this behavior a good way to get rid of excess energy.

6) Upset other dogs


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If you have more than one dog, the more bored of the two (since both will probably be), it may even playfully "attack" his friend. The "victim" of the attack may not be as amused.

It often happens when you take a second dog into the house that is much younger than the one we already had. The needs are clearly different, and then it will be up to us to realize and remedy them.

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7) Lick incessantly

We also talked about this in a separate article. Some dogs, if they get excessively bored, may overdo their daily grooming just to get something to do. It will lick and paws until they shine and when it is finished it will probably switch to your "paws".

The problem is that continuously licking can create wounds that can lead to self-mutilation. He licks himself to “give himself affection” and release tension, he creates a wound, he licks himself to relieve discomfort, he creates a bigger wound. An endless vicious circle.

How to fix it?

Give it more attention, take more walks, try to include it in our daily activities. Any activity, when done together, will strengthen your bond and make him happy.

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