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Pug Dog

How can there be so much beauty in such a small body? The Pug is a very quiet and affectionate dog , particularly close to those who take care of him. In addition to having a look that bewitches almost everyone, he is a perfect dog for living in small apartments.

The Pug is a very special breed of dog. If we were to define it in two words, we could say that it is a "bonsai mastiff". In our country this dog dates back to the times of the ancient Romans and Pliny the Younger defined it as multum in parvo which in Latin means "very little", that is, a large dog in a small body .

This dog breed needs a lot of company as they are very playful animals that if they are alone they could develop separation anxiety . Therefore, it is not recommended to adopt a Pug in a family with very young children as the dog may not be getting all the attention it needs to be happy. On the other hand, if it is a home where there are slightly older children, the Pug could be perfect as it is an affectionate and sociable animal . In this article we will explain everything there is to know about this breed.

Origins of the Pug

Just like with other dog breeds, the origins of the Pug are uncertain and controversial . It is known to come from China, but there is still debate as to which genetic relatives are. What is certain is that many years ago this dog together with the Pekingese were the favorite animals in Tibetan monasteries . This breed was transported to the Netherlands by Dutch traders and later spread to France, England and the rest of Europe.

Since its entry in Europe and, later in America, the Pug has been considered an enchanting companion dog worthy even to participate in competitions. The fascination that Westerners have for this breed is undeniable, in fact, many Pug breed dogs have been the protagonists of films and television series.

Physical appearance of the Pug

It is a dog with a short, plump and compact body. Despite being a small dog, the pug is a muscular animal. The upper line of his body is level and his chest is broad. The head is large, round and without slits in the skull. Unlike Chihuahuas, it does not have an "apple" head, and the skin that covers it is very wrinkled. The muzzle is short and square. The eyes are large, dark and have a globular shape. They are bright and their expression is somewhere between sweet and worried. The ears, small and thin, can have two variants:

  • The small ones, hanging and folded backwards.
  • Those bent forward, with the tip in the path of the eyes.

The tail is twisted and according to FCI standards, the double curl is a sign of quality. The ideal size of the Pug is not specified in the FCI breed standards, but generally speaking these dogs measure between 25 and 28 centimeters at the withers . The ideal weight, which unlike the dimensions is indicated, varies between 6.3 and 8.1 kilograms .

The coat of this dog is thin, smooth, soft and shiny. The accepted colors are: light gray and tan, apricot, black and light fawn. The muzzle must be black.

Character of the pug

The Pug has the typical temperament of a companion dog. He is affectionate, cheerful and playful. He has a strong personality, he likes to be the center of attention, but fortunately he has a stable character.

The socialization process is quite easy for these dogs and they tend to behave well with adults, children, other dogs and animals in general. However, even if they are playful dogs, they do not tolerate too intense games or children's jokes. In order for them to behave well around strangers and other pets, it is important that they receive a socialization process as a puppy.

In general, these dogs have no behavioral problems, but they can develop separation anxiety very easily. The Pug needs constant companionship and can become a destructive dog if left alone at home for a long time. He also needs to exercise and receive mental stimulation so as not to get bored.

Dogs of this breed make excellent pets, suitable for most families and perfect for inexperienced owners. The adoption of the Pug is not recommended for people who spend most of the day away from home or for particularly active people.

Taking care of the pug

Caring for his coat doesn't take a lot of time or effort, but brushing once or twice a week is necessary to get rid of dead hair. Bathing should only be done when the dog is obviously dirty, while the muzzle and wrinkles on the face must be washed frequently with a damp cloth, in order to avoid skin infections.

Pug dogs are very playful and need moderate exercise , with walks and play sessions that are not too long. One must be careful not to require great physical exertion as their flattened snout and sturdy body shape do not give these dogs any particular resistance, especially in hot and humid conditions.

The Pug, as we said before, needs a lot of attention and can develop destructive behaviors if left alone for a long time. However, if he gets what he needs, he becomes a dog that adapts perfectly to family life, even in houses that are not too big.

Pug education

This dog breed is easy to educate and train when using techniques such as positive reinforcement . Although some canine educators say that the Pug is not easily trainable, in reality the lack of success in this field is often due to the fact that the right canine training method has not been chosen , it does not depend on the breed. When the right strategies are adopted, remarkable results can be achieved with the Pug.

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